皆様こんばんは🌛Bird’s☆feelingsです。2024年、今年も私はなんとか(笑)春を迎えることが出来ました Good evening everyone 🌛 This is Bird’s☆feelings. In 2024, I was able to welcome spring again this year (lol).
念願の桜ドローン撮影 Long-awaited drone photography of cherry blossoms
Since last year, I had been wanting to somehow take aerial photos of cherry blossoms with a drone, and this time I was able to do it. I used a drone to take photos of the cherry blossoms at a cherry blossom viewing spot along the Yanase River, which flows through Kiyose City, Tokyo.
iphone15で撮影 Taken with iPhone 15

東京でももちろん桜が奇麗に咲き花見スポットとされるところは沢山ありますが、ここ柳瀬川の桜のような場所のほうが私的には大好きであります。 あまりに人でごった返してる場所だとどうしてもせっかくの桜も鑑賞しずらいものがあります💦
Of course, there are many places in Tokyo where the cherry blossoms bloom beautifully and are known as cherry blossom viewing spots, but I personally prefer places like this one along Yanasegawa River. When places are too crowded with people, it can be hard to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms.

2024年も希望を持てる年になるかな Will 2024 be a year of hope?
欲や快楽ばかり追い求めるばかりでなく、桜を見て「あー本当に幸せだ!」と心底思えるような人間になりたいですね。 なんて偉そうなことを書いてしまいましたが、私自身がそういった人間になりたいです(笑) 話は長くなってしまいましたが、私自身待望のドローン桜映像をよろしくばご覧ください
Soon after the start of the year, there have been many uncertainties, such as the Noto Peninsula earthquake, extremely high prices, and crimes that were not so common in the past. Amidst all of this, the cherry blossoms have once again graced Japan.
If it were up to the cherry blossoms, they would probably say, “They’ve bloomed again this year, so you guys should do your best too!”💦
I want to be the kind of person who doesn’t just pursue desires and pleasure, but can look at the cherry blossoms and truly think, “Ah, I’m so happy!” I’ve written something so arrogant, but I myself would like to be that kind of person (lol)
This has gotten long, but I hope you enjoy watching my long-awaited drone footage of the cherry blossoms.
これからもいろんなドローン映像をお届けします・・・ We’ll be bringing you more drone footage in the future…😊