こんばんは!Bird’s☆feelingsです😊 今回は埼玉県飯能市上名栗にある「鳥居観音」をドローンにて撮影しました。
名栗村(現飯能市)の村長さんであった平沼弥太郎という方が建立されたそうです。しかも平沼弥太郎さん御本人が彫った像だとか・・・!! また、誰でも参拝できるようにと特定の宗派には属さなかったようです。
平日でしかも夕方と言われる時間だったせいもあってか訪れている人も私達くらいでしたが、人々でごった返してる観音像より飯能の鳥居観音像のほうが私は神々しさを感じました うーん、なんて神々しい御姿・・・



マチャアキの西遊記世代で西遊記を知り、その西遊記ドラマが大好きだった私としましては、「ん?ここは三蔵法師様が永眠されてる所?? 訪れたところ??」と凄く気になりました。
Good evening! This is Bird’s☆feelings😊 This time, we used a drone to take photos of Torii Kannon in Kaminaguri, Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture.
Its size and history are comparable to other famous Kannon statues. I’ve been to Hanno many times, but to be honest, I didn’t know that such a magnificent Kannon statue existed.
It was built by Yataro Hiranuma, who was the mayor of Naguri Village (now Hanno City). Moreover, it was carved by Yataro Hiranuma himself…! … There are many others, but one of them is the Xuanzang Tripitaka Pagoda!
As someone who learned about Journey to the West in Machaaki’s generation and loved the drama, I was really curious, “Is this where Tripitaka Monk rests? Did he visit this place?”
Ah, so it was a very sacred place… I’m really sorry for not doing my research and not having enough information. I would love to visit again! ! If you haven’t been there, please come and visit. Here is a drone video of Torii Kannon…
これからも鳥の気分になれるような癒され映像を撮り続けたいと思います<(_ _)>
I would like to continue taking soothing videos that make you feel like a bird.