皆様こんばんは🌙 Bird’s☆feelingsです。今回ご紹介するドローン映像は”駅周辺”撮影です。もちろん、国土交通省ならびに関係各所にご承認頂いての撮影になります。 なぜに大泉学園??と思われる方も当然いらっしゃると思いますが、ただ単に私が個人的にモロモロのご縁があった地・・・という理由だけです😅 すみません・・・。 これからも飛行等状況が許す限りいろんな駅周辺街中ドローン撮影もしていきたいと思います。
Good evening everyone 🌙 This is Bird’s☆feelings. The drone footage I’m introducing this time was taken around stations. Of course, it was filmed with the approval of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and other relevant organizations. Some of you may be wondering why Oizumigakuen, but it’s simply because it’s a place I have a personal connection with 😅 Sorry… I would like to continue taking drone shots of the city streets around various stations as long as flight conditions permit.
Yes, I’ve always wondered why Oizumi Gakuen is called “Gakuen”, but apparently there were plans to make it a school town around the Taisho period, but the plan fell through and the name remains today.

Yes, Oizumigakuen has a Toei film studio. Incidentally, Toei’s film studios are here in Oizumigakuen and in Kyoto Uzumasa, and it seems that the first Toei film studio was built in Oizumigakuen. So, although it wasn’t there in the past, Oizumigakuen Station itself is decorated with old anime signs and objects, as if to say it is the birthplace of anime.

私は思いっきり「銀河鉄道999」や「明日のジョー」世代です😆 ハッキリ言ってメチャメチャ見てました。 でも正直な話現在はただ単に住宅密集地(結構密集度合高)となってしまった大泉学園ですが、大正時代の学園都市計画あり、東映大泉撮影所ありとなかなか奥深い街であります😊 ただ、京都の太秦撮影所みたいに少しでも観光スポットとして推せばよかったのになぁ~と個人的に思います💦 そんな「大泉学園」をドローン空撮させて頂きました。ご覧頂けたら幸いです😀
I am definitely from the “Galaxy Express 999” and “Tomorrow’s Joe” generation. To be honest, I watched them a ton. But to be honest, Oizumigakuen is now just a densely populated residential area (it’s quite dense), but it has a lot of depth, with the Taisho era academic town plan and Toei Oizumi Studio However, I personally think it would have been better if it had been promoted as a tourist spot, even if only a little, like Kyoto’s Uzumasa Studio 💦 I took some drone footage of Oizumigakuen from the air. I hope you enjoy it.
Aerial photography and video production using drones
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com