皆様こんばんは Bird’s☆feelings♪です。東京も梅雨明けをしたようですね😆 梅雨明け時は特に気温が高くなるらしいです・・・ ただでさえむちゃくちゃ暑かったのに。皆様、ほんと熱中症にならないように気をつけましょうね!!
Good evening everyone, this is Bird’s☆feelings♪. It seems like the rainy season has ended in Tokyo too. Apparently the temperature gets especially high after the rainy season ends… It was already so hot as it was. Everyone, please be careful not to get heatstroke!!
The drone footage we’d like to show you this time is of the Arakawa Aqueduct Bridge, located on the border between Kumagaya City and Konosu City in Saitama Prefecture.
埼玉県熊谷市と鴻巣市の間を流れる荒川を跨ぐ水管橋 A water pipe bridge spanning the Arakawa River between Kumagaya City and Konosu City in Saitama Prefecture
ナゼ故にに水管橋を撮影??とお感じになる方も多いと思いますが、この水管橋は日本一の長さなんです!! ここは知人に教えてもらい初めての訪問だったのですが、最初人も通れるのかな~と思ってたら純粋に水だけを通す橋でした

芸術品と言っても良いと思いました。行田浄水場からの水道水を、荒川左岸の鴻巣市を経由して熊谷市の荒川右岸側へ送っているそうです。 詳細はWikiPediaをご覧下さい。荒川水管橋 Wiki
その荒川水管橋すぐ近くにあるコスモス畑 The cosmos field located right next to the Arakawa Water Pipe Bridge

水管橋といい、コスモス畑といい、凄く気分良くなれる場所です。撮影じゃなくてもまた訪れたいと思います😘 ぜひ荒川水管橋ドローン映像をご覧頂いてこの場所の良さを感じ頂けたら嬉しいです!!
This video was taken in the fall of 2023. I hadn’t heard from an acquaintance that there was a cosmos field, but it was blooming beautifully over a fairly wide area, and many people came to see it.
The water pipe bridge and the cosmos field are both really good places to feel good. I would like to visit again even if I wasn’t filming. I hope you will enjoy the drone footage of the Arakawa Water Pipe Bridge and feel the greatness of this place!
これからも、日本の各地の素晴らしいスポットのドローン撮影もドンドン参ります😀 よろしかったらチャンネル登録やイイね!お願い致しますっ😊
From now on, I will continue to take drone shots of wonderful spots all over Japan 😀 If you like it, please subscribe to my channel and like it! Please 😊