皆様こんばんは🌙 Bird’s☆feelingsです。この映像は2023年のクリスマスの時に撮影したドローン映像です。時期外れのご紹介となってしまいましたがご容赦頂けたらと思います😅
Good evening everyone. This is Bird’s☆feelings. This video was taken by drone at Christmas in 2023. I’m sorry for the late introduction, but I hope you’ll forgive me.
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大久野イルミネーション ~日の出町ホームページより~
Ouguno Illumination
Ouguno Illumination is an event organized by a local volunteer committee and takes place along Akikawa Kaido, which runs through the Ouguno area. It is held every year from the end of November to the end of December, and the roadside trees from Ouguno Junior High School to Kayakubo intersection are decorated with illuminations, lighting up the winter nights of Ouguno.
Children’s Future Park, located almost in the center of the venue area, is decorated with a Christmas tree of light and various elaborately designed light objects. A tunnel of light appears at the entrance to Ouguno Elementary School, which is also the venue for the Christmas event. In addition, during this time, various objects are decorated at shops and private homes along the line, livening up the event throughout the area.
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私は、イルミネーション愛好家まではいきませんがイルミネーションや夜景等も大好き人間です😅 この大久野イルミネーションは数年前のクリスマスシーズンの時に車で一度通ったことがあり、再び見てみたいと思い再訪致しました。
I wouldn’t call myself an illumination enthusiast, but I do love illuminations and night views. I had passed by the Okuno illuminations by car once a few years ago during the Christmas season, and I wanted to see them again, so I returned.

Even those who pass by without knowing about the Okuno illuminations will find themselves exclaiming, “Oh!” in a heartwarming manner.

There is a snowman in the Christmas tree.

To be honest, the Akigawa Kaido road, which is usually dark, is decorated with illuminations.
昨今は”イルミネーション”と呼ばれるものは特にクリスマスシーズンになると結構いろんな場所で開催されてますよね😊 私はクリスマス時期のイルミネーションはテレビでも取り上げられる六本木ヒルズのイルミネーションやその他有名処へ行ったりもしました。 やっぱり有名処のイルミネーションは確かにビジュアル的に奇麗だし使用されている電飾の数もハンパではありません。しかしここ「大久野イルミネーション」は有名処のイルミネーションにはあまり感じられない”何か”がありました。
この感覚は一体何なんだろう・・・。 そう、大久野イルミネーションには有名処には無い「温かさ」をすごく感じるんです!! なぜ心に温かさを感じるのかは自分でもわかりません。恐らくは”商売っ気”のあるイルミネーションではなく、地元の有志の方々がみんなに心に明かりを灯そうとして作ったものであるからだと思います😀
Nowadays, “illuminations” are held in many places, especially during the Christmas season😊 I’ve been to the illuminations at Roppongi Hills, which are featured on TV, and other famous places during the Christmas season. However, there was something about the Okuno illuminations that I don’t feel at the famous illuminations. After all, the famous illuminations are certainly very beautiful and the number of electric lights used is incredible.
When I saw the Okuno illuminations, I wondered what this feeling was, and then I realized. Yes, the Okuno illuminations give me a lot of “warmth”!! I don’t know why I feel warmth in my heart. I think it’s probably because they are not “commercial” illuminations, but were created by local volunteers to light up everyone’s hearts😀
The Okuno illuminations warm my heart. I’d love to go see them again this year!!
Drone aerial photography and video production
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com
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