皆様こんばんは!Bird’s☆feelingsです🌙 今回は埼玉県寄居町にある”鉢形城跡”を撮影させて頂きました。と言っても2023年秋頃の映像となります。
Good evening everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings 🌙 This time, we filmed the “Hachigata Castle Ruins” in Yorii Town, Saitama Prefecture. That said, the footage will be taken in the fall of 2023.
鉢形城跡 Hachigata Castle Ruins
鉢形城は1476年(文明8年)関東管領であった山内上杉氏の家宰長尾景春が築城したと伝えらております。その後、この地域の豪族藤田泰邦に入婿した小田原の北条氏康の四男氏邦が整備拡充し、現在の規模となったそうです。 正直、ここを訪れるまでは埼玉の寄居にこんな広い面積を誇る城跡があるなんて全く知りませんでした💦 日本の100名城の一つで、地の利を最大限に駆使した”要塞”であったようです。素晴らしい城ですね。
Hachigata Castle is said to have been built in 1476 (Bunmei 8) by Nagao Kageharu, a steward of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, who was the Kanto Kanrei (regent for the Kanto region). It was later developed and expanded by Ujikuni, the fourth son of Hojo Ujiyasu of Odawara, who married Fujita Yasukuni, a powerful lord in the region, and it now has the size we see today. To be honest, before I visited here I had no idea that there was a castle ruin boasting such a large area in Yorii, Saitama. It is one of Japan’s 100 famous castles, and it seems to have been a “fortress” that made the most of the terrain. It is an amazing castle.
豊臣軍による小田原征伐 The Conquest of Odawara by Toyotomi’s Army
すみません、私は日本史に詳しいとは間違っても言えないのですが史跡巡りは大好きです しかしネット等で情報を得るにつれて「いやー凄い時代だったんだなぁ」と。。。
詳しい話は今回割愛させて頂きますが、西のほうに拠点を構えていた豊臣秀吉が小田原征伐はわかりますが小田原からも無茶苦茶遠い寄居にまでも・・・。当時当然車などなかった時代、馬で行くしかない中で・・・。 小田原征伐とは言うけど、寄居は小田原からも遥かに遠いし・・・。 夜間行軍するにしても街灯すら無い中で 日々の忙殺によりちょっと時間はかかるかもしれませんが、歴史勉強したいなとおもいました。
Sorry, I can’t say I’m an expert on Japanese history, but I do love visiting historical sites. However, as I get more information online, I think, “Wow, that was an amazing time.” …
I won’t go into the details this time, but I know that Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had his base in the west, conquered Odawara, but he also went to Yorii, which is incredibly far from Odawara… Of course, there were no cars at the time, so the only way to get there was by horseback… They say it’s the Odawara Conquest, but Yorii is very far from Odawara… Even if they marched at night, there weren’t even any street lights, so it might take a little time due to the busy schedule of daily life, but I thought it would be good to study history.
防衛に自然を利用した城跡 Castle ruins that used nature for defense

石組井戸 Stone Well

Tachihara Suwa Shrine, located within Hachigata Castle, is said to have been established when Suwabe Totomi no Kami became the castle’s chief retainer and dedicated a branch shrine to Suwa Shrine in Shinshu as the guardian deity.

But when you look back at history, you see a lot of wars. I wonder if humans, like animals, will have to continue to live by eating or being eaten…