皆様こんばんは!Bird’s☆feelingsです🌙 今回は埼玉県児玉郡神川町矢納にある廃墟「矢納発電所跡」のドローン映像をUPさせて頂きました。 関東の廃墟マニアの方なら知らない人はいないのではないかというくらい有名なところであります。
Good evening everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings 🌙
This time, I uploaded a drone video of the ruins of the Yanou Power Plant Ruins in Yano, Kanagawa-cho, Kodama-gun, Saitama Prefecture. It’s so famous that there is probably no one who doesn’t know about it if they’re a ruin enthusiast in the Kanto region. I’ve been there a few times in the past, but this is my first time shooting with a drone. I know I’m an oddball, but honestly, I love ruins and abandoned houses. Just being there is healing. Hmm, it’s a bit unusual after all~😅 I’ll continue to shoot drone footage of ruins as much as possible for those who say, “I can’t go, but I want to see the ruins too!”
矢納発電所とは What is Yanou Power Station?

The Yanou Power Station, Saitama Prefecture’s first hydroelectric power station, which is now in ruins, began operation in 1914 to supply electricity to the Musashi Suiden Co., Ltd.’s Kawagoe Electric Railway, as well as to Higashimatsuyama City, Ogawa Town, and Chichibu City, and was closed in 1966 with the construction of Shimokubo Dam. It seems that it was active as a hydroelectric power station for about 50 years.
2023年現在の矢納発電所の内部・・・ Inside the Yano Power Plant as of 2023…

現在の矢納廃発電所・・・ The current Yanou abandoned power plant…
実は私はこの廃発電所は10年ちょい前くらいにも訪れておりまして、その時は建物奥の詰所のような部屋はまだしっかりしてまして2階にもあがることが出来ましたが、映像にもあるように現在はもう半分位倒壊しておりました。 老朽化が加速度的に進んでるようです。
In fact, I visited this abandoned power plant about 10 years ago, and at the time the room at the back of the building, which was like a guardhouse, was still sturdy and I was able to go up to the second floor, but as you can see in the video, about half of it has now collapsed. It appears that the deterioration is accelerating.

The power plant, which has been operating for about 50 years, will gradually return to nature…
I will continue to use drones to photograph relics from Japan’s good old days as much as possible.
Aerial photography and video production using drones
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com