Hello everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings. This time, we took aerial drone shots of the ruins of a hotel that still remains in Kinugawa, a famous tourist spot in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture.
鬼怒川ホテル廃墟群 Kinugawa Hotel Ruins
でも勘違いをして欲しくないのですが、鬼怒川ホテル全体が廃墟になってしまったわけではありません💦 廃ホテル群はほんのごく一部で他のほとんどのホテルや旅館は人気絶好調でバリバリ営業中であります!
Kinugawa is currently one of Japan’s leading tourist destinations, thanks to its hot springs and close proximity to the tourist attractions of Nikko. But please don’t be mistaken – not all of the Kinugawa hotels have become ruins. The abandoned hotels are only a small part of the area, and most other hotels and inns are still thriving and open for business, boasting huge popularity!
一部だけが何故いまだに廃墟なのか Why is only part of it still in ruins?

一言で言うと”バブル時代、儲けたいという気持ちが完全に裏目に出た”と言う表現が的確なのでしょうか・・ In a word, is it accurate to say that “during the bubble era, the desire to make money completely backfired”?

きぬ川の”ぬ”が落ちてしまってます・・・ The “nu” in Kinu River has fallen…

いろんな人の思い出が一杯詰まったホテルが・・・ A hotel filled with many memories…

ところが経営者達は雲隠れしてしまったり、また利権関係が複雑なところもあるようで簡単には解体さえ出来ないようです。億にも及ぶ解体費用を、じゃあどこが出すのか・・・ もう最終的には国が負担するしかないレベルなのですが、なかなかそこまで至らず未だにこの現状であります💦
Although it was built with a large investment, the bubble economy collapsed and the times changed, so the number of customers decreased, and to top it off, the main bank, Ashikaga Bank, went bankrupt, which led to the facility going out of business.
However, the managers have disappeared, and there seem to be complicated vested interests, so it seems that it will not be easy to demolish it. So who will pay for the demolition costs, which will run into the hundreds of millions? Ultimately, the only option is for the government to cover the costs, but it has not yet reached that point, and the situation remains as it is.
もちろん今でも日本屈指の観光スポットでありますので誤解のないように・・・ Of course, it is still one of Japan’s top tourist spots, so please don’t get me wrong…
一部廃墟ホテルもあったりしますが、ここ鬼怒川温泉は現在も多くの観光客が夜でも浴衣姿で多数闊歩する素晴らしいスポットです。 私自身も約20年前にどこのホテルか忘れてしまいましたが宿泊した時も確かにこの廃ホテル群はありましたが「あ~、商売の世界は厳しいんだな~」くらいにしか思いませんでした(笑)
私としましてはできれば廃ホテルの中に入って気の済むまで見学したいってのが本音です(笑) 建物を遠巻きにしか撮影出来なかったですが”バブル時代”の遺物をご覧下さい・・・ これからもいろんな過去の遺物をドローン撮影していきますっ!!
There are some abandoned hotels, but Kinugawa Onsen is still a great spot where many tourists walk around in yukata even at night. I myself stayed at a hotel about 20 years ago (I can’t remember which one), and there were definitely abandoned hotels there, but I just thought, “Ah, the business world is tough.” (lol)
In foreign countries, there are places where you can visit the ruins for a fee. I think it would be much better to do that than leaving it as it is. In Japan, various problems may come up, but I think it’s better than leaving it as it is for many more years.
If I could, I would honestly like to go inside the abandoned hotels and look around until I’m satisfied (lol) I could only take pictures of the buildings from a distance, but please take a look at these relics from the “Bubble Era”… I will continue to take drone photos of various relics from the past! !