皆様こんばんは🌙 Bird’s☆feelingsです。今回はまた駅周辺ドローン空撮で群馬県前橋市の「前橋駅」の映像です。なぜにまた前橋駅・・・??と思われる方も多いと思いますが、個人的にご縁のある所で地で「凄く良い町だな~」と感じたのが理由なんです😅
Good evening everyone. This is Bird’s☆feelings. This time, I took another drone shot of Maebashi Station in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture. I’m sure many of you are wondering why Maebashi Station again… but the reason is that I have a personal connection to the area and I felt that it was a really nice town.
JR両毛線の前橋駅ドローン映像 Drone footage of Maebashi Station on the JR Ryomo Line
魅力的な町「前橋市」 The charming town of Maebashi
もちろん日本全国で”魅力的”な町ってかなり沢山あると思います。私的にはその一つに入るのではないかなと思います😊 なぜ私的に魅力を感じるかと申しますと・・・
- 人混みが無い
- 人混みが無いのに街は整備されて奇麗
- 全般的に道が広い
- 夜は静か
- 車で行けば買い物に不便しない(駅周辺には食料等生活に必要なもののお店が少ないですが💦)
- ちょっと行けば渋川や草津等の有名温泉街や観光スポットがある
- 田舎のほう特有の暴走族やヤンキー車両がたぶん居ない(見かけたことがない)
- 町なのに空気がなんとなく澄んでいる
Of course, I think there are a lot of “attractive” towns all over Japan. Personally, I think this is one of them😊 Why do I personally find it attractive…
〇There are no crowds
〇Even though there are no crowds, the town is well-maintained and clean
〇The roads are generally wide
〇It’s quiet at night
If you go by car, it’s not inconvenient to go shopping (although there are not many stores around the station that sell food and other daily necessities)
If you go a little further, there are famous hot spring towns and tourist spots such as Shibukawa and Kusatsu
There are probably no biker gangs or yankee cars that are typical of rural areas (I have never seen them)
Even though it’s a town, the air is somehow clear
There are other reasons, but maybe I just think it’s nice because I don’t like the crowds and the feeling that people are too concentrated in Tokyo, but I really think it’s a good town.
ドローンで撮影した写真もご紹介します。 We will also introduce some photos taken by a drone.
なんなんでしょう・・・魅力を感じる群馬県前橋市 I wonder what it is… I find Maebashi City in Gunma Prefecture fascinating.
そしてこらからも時間が許す限りいろんな町のドローン空撮もさせて頂きます😊 よろしかったらイイね!やチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!! 励みになります😀
To put it simply, it’s like being close to amazing nature, but also feeling safe like you’re living in a big city, and not being bothered by crowds… That’s the feeling I get. I’d like to visit again.
And from now on, I’ll be taking drone aerial photos of various towns as much as time allows. If you like it, please like! And subscribe to my channel!! It encourages me.
Aerial photography and video production using drones
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com