皆様こんにちは!Bird’s☆feelingsです😊 今回は東京都青梅市の多摩川沿いにある「釜の渕公園」をドローン空撮させて頂きました。
Hello everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings. This time, we took some drone aerial shots of Kamanofuchi Park, located along the Tama River in Ome City, Tokyo.
青梅市の魅力 The charm of Ome City in Tokyo
個人的にではありますが私は青梅市は東京の中でも一番好きで、出来れば一度は住んでみたい街であります。 青梅市は町ぐるみで”レトロの香り”を残そうと頑張ってる街なんです。JR東日本青梅線、青梅駅自体の作りも他の数々の駅とは違いレトロ感満載です。 前の通りは昭和レトロ博物館などもあり、ほんと古き良き昭和の時代の面影が現在も残っております。ちなみに駅前ロータリーには昔あったスーパー「長崎屋」の看板があったりと(2022年当時)、昭和好きな私にとっては凄く魅力的な町であります。
Personally, I like Ome City the most in Tokyo, and it’s a town I’d like to live in at least once if I could. Ome City is a town that is working hard throughout the city to preserve its “retro atmosphere.” The JR East Ome Line and Ome Station itself are built differently from many other stations and are full of retro feel. The street in front of the station is also home to the Showa Retro Museum, and vestiges of the good old Showa era still remain today. Incidentally, in the rotary in front of the station there is still a sign for the old supermarket “Nagasakiya” (as of 2022), so for someone like me who loves the Showa era, it is a very attractive town.
釜の渕公園 Kamanofuchi Park
そんな素晴らしき町「青梅市」。 その中の河川敷公園ですが、都内に公園と言われる場所はいろいろありますがここ釜の渕公園は青梅市らしく日本の古き良き時代を感じさせる公園であります。歴史資料館や19世紀初頭に建てられたという旧宮崎邸、2代目青梅市長の榎戸米吉像などもあり、ちょっとした博物館的要素もある公園であります🙂
Ome City is such a wonderful town. There are many places in Tokyo that are called parks, but Kamanobuchi Park is a riverside park that gives you a sense of the good old days of Japan, which is typical of Ome City. There is also a historical museum, the former Miyazaki residence built in the early 19th century, and a statue of Enokido Yonekichi, the second mayor of Ome City, so the park has a bit of a museum element to it 🙂
Ome City is a wonderful town that tries to preserve the good old days.
奇麗に整備されている河川敷公園 A beautifully maintained riverside park
ただ古さだけを残す公園ではありません。すごく整然と整備され管理もされております😊 写真は釜の渕公園内の「鮎美橋」と青梅の街並みです。

バーベキュー等も盛ん Barbecues and other events are also popular.
Here at Kamanofuchi Park, barbecues are often held in the summer, and as you can see in the video, young people can be seen playing in the river! In a good way, it is a free spot that is rare these days in Tokyo, but there have been many tragic accidents here, so please be careful, especially young people!