皆様こんばんは🌙 Bird’s☆feelingsです。4月なのにもう初夏の気温となって、Tシャツ一枚の姿の人が多いくらいの事態になってますね💦 いやー、ヤバい 体が暑さに慣れてない昨今熱中症になってしまう人もいるようなのでくれぐれもご注意下さい!!
Good evening everyone 🌙 This is Bird’s☆feelings. Even though it’s April, the temperature is already like early summer, and there are many people wearing only T-shirts 💦 Wow, that’s bad. Some people are not used to the heat these days and are suffering from heat stroke, so please be careful!
紅葉の時期は特に素晴らしい御岳渓谷 Mitake Valley is especially beautiful during the autumn foliage season
青梅市は自然豊かでありながら奇麗に整備された街でホント良い所ですね! そんな青梅市に位置する「御岳渓谷」。多摩川の渓谷でありますが都内の多摩川沿いの景観とは雲泥の差があると私的には思います。 岩畳と言ってよういのでしょうか、物凄い巨大な岩がゴロゴロあるのがさらに大自然の力強さっていうものを感じてしまいます。心の洗濯をしに定期的に訪れたい場所であります。
Ome city is a really great place, beautifully maintained while being rich in nature! And Mitake Valley is located in Ome city. It is a valley on the Tama River, but I personally think that it is a world apart from the scenery along the Tama River in Tokyo. There are huge rock formations, which could be called rock beds, and they make you feel the power of nature even more. It is a place that I would like to visit regularly to cleanse my soul.
I visited in April this time, but Mitake Valley is apparently also a spectacular sight in the autumn when the leaves change color, so I would like to go back in the autumn next time.

レトロ感満載な御嶽駅 Mitake Station is full of retro vibes
今回残念ながらも撮影はできませんでしたが御岳渓谷の最寄り駅「御嶽駅」も古き良き時代を感じさせる駅でございます。訪れる人達をタイムスリップさせてくれる駅であります。 出来ることであれば御嶽駅自体を空撮できたらな~と思ってます
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take a photo this time, but the closest station to Mitake Valley, “Mitake Station,” is also a station that evokes the good old days. It’s a station that takes visitors back in time. If possible, I would like to take an aerial photo of Mitake Station itself.
鵜の橋と沢井の街並み Unohashi Bridge and the townscape of Sawai

まだ訪れたことがない方はぜひ御岳渓谷を訪れて見て下さい。 If you haven’t been there yet, please visit Mitake Valley.
自然ってやっぱりイイですよね~~😊 これからもいろんの場所をドローン映像をお届けします。Nature is really great, isn’t it. We will continue to bring you drone footage of various places.