皆様こんばんは🌙Bird’s☆feelings♪です。今回は東京の大きな河川の一つ、荒川を跨ぐ「幸魂大橋(サキタマオオハシ)」のドローン映像をご紹介させて頂きます。 ここは私自身もよく通る橋でいつかはドローンで撮影したいスポットでした。なぜこの橋を??と思われる方も多いかと思いますが、私自身にも明確には説明できませんが私には凄く魅力を感じる橋なんです💦(笑)
※撮影日:2023年の11月初旬 天候:曇り空
Good evening everyone 🌙 This is Bird’s☆feelings♪. This time, I would like to introduce some drone footage of the Sakitama Ohashi Bridge, which crosses the Arakawa River, one of the major rivers in Tokyo. This is a bridge I often pass by and it was a spot I wanted to shoot with a drone someday. I’m sure many of you are wondering why this bridge? I can’t explain it clearly myself, but it’s a bridge that I find very attractive 💦 (laughs)
*Date of shooting: Early November 2023 Weather: Cloudy sky
埼玉県戸田市と和光市の間、荒川に架かる「幸魂大橋」 ”Sakitama Ohashi Bridge” spanning the Arakawa River between Toda City and Wako City in Saitama Prefecture
周辺に高い建物も無く、高速の防音壁もこの幸魂大橋に差し掛かると無くなるので車で走ってると心の中で「うふぁ~~~」と喜びでもなく安堵感とも違いますが、でもそれに近い感覚がでてきます(少なくとも私は 笑)。
This bridge spans the Arakawa River between Toda City and Wako City in Saitama Prefecture. The Tokyo Outer Ring Expressway runs through the center of the bridge, and National Route 298 runs on the outside, both up and down. There are no tall buildings nearby, and the highway soundproof walls disappear once you reach the Sakitama Ohashi Bridge, so when you drive there, you can feel a “Uhhhh” in your mind, which is neither joyful nor relieved, but it’s a similar feeling (at least for me lol).

全長約1,5km・・・ 車で高速で走ってもしばらくかかる感じの長ーい橋です。ここは上り方向に走っている場合、天気の良く雲が無い日は遠くに富士山が見えたりします😊 特に夕方の富士山は走るドライバー達に「今日もお疲れさーん!!」と言ってくれてるような気がします。
The total length is about 1.5 km… It’s a long bridge that takes a while to cross even when driving at high speed. If you’re driving uphill here, you can see Mt. Fuji in the distance on a clear, cloudless day😊 Especially in the evening, Mt. Fuji seems to be saying to the drivers, “Thank you for your hard work today!!”

Sakitama Ohashi Bridge… It’s hard to describe in words, but I think it’s a wonderful bridge. Although the video is a bit cloudy, I hope you enjoy the drone footage of Sakitama Ohashi Bridge, which runs through the Outer Ring Road and National Route 298! !
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ただ、ここはスピードものりやすい所なので、事故やスピード違反にはくれぐれもご注意を!!! However, this is a place where it’s easy to drive fast, so please be extremely careful to avoid accidents and speeding!!!
Aerial photography and video production using drones
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com